Krieghoff K80 Speed Wrench for KTW Chokes
Krieghoff K80 Speed Wrench for KTW Chokes
Krieghoff K80 Speed Wrench for KTW Chokes
Krieghoff K80 Speed Wrench for KTW Chokes
Krieghoff K80 Speed Wrench for KTW Chokes

Krieghoff K80 Speed Wrench for KTW Chokes

The Krieghoff K-80 Speed Wrench for KTW Thinwall Chokes - For Parcours & Parcours-X Thinwall Chokes

This wrench fits the Krieghoff KTW Thinwall Choke Tubes especially for the Parcours and Parcours-X Barrels. The plastic section inserts into the choke for a firm fit. Then the teeth on the wrench fit directly into the choke tube and allows the user to unscrew the choke quickly and easily.

Fits the:
Krieghoff K80 KTW Flush Fit Choke Tubes for K80 Parcours & Parcours-X
- Krieghoff K80 KTW Pro Extended Choke Tubes for K80 Parcours & Parcours-X

The choke wrench folds neatly inside itself for a compact storage solution. With Krieghoff 12 Bore laser engraved on the side to ensure you're using the correct wrench.